Disney Bluetooth Wands

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jjdb210 worked to create multiple wands for use with the dresses.

Parts List

  • 60th Aniversary Paint Brush Wand From Disneyland (ebay)
  • 5 LED Pixels (5v)
  • 2 Pushbuttons
  • 1 Micro-SD card reader (for saving data, not in all wands)
  • 1 750MaH lithium batter
  • 1 USB-C extension cable

Button Press Logic

  • Button 1 Long Press - Change Mode
    • Mode 0 "White" - Send Dress Color
    • Mode 1 "Yellow" - Send Animation Code
    • Mode 2 "Blue" - Change Dress Modes
      • Dress Mode 0 - Kid + Park Mode
      • Dress Mode 1 - Dad Mode
    • Mode 3 - Future Dev
    • Mode 4 - Future Dev
    • Mode 5 "Dim Red" (Not part of mode cycle, blackout)
  • Button 1 Short Press - Change Option
  • Button 2 Short Press - Select (Send) Option
  • Button 2 Long Press - Turn off/on all lights. (mode 5 enable/disable)

Version 1.0

Version 1 had some design flaws, however, it was more than enough to build the "simple" wand for controlling the dresses. Design can be found on OSHPark - Problems in this design included:

  • Extra (un-needed) battery pins for the LEDs (unused)
  • Buttons pulled to 3V3 instead of GND
  • Button padds WAY to small
  • Wrong ports used for buttons (made the SD card reader impossible)
  • Not enough GNDs and 3v3s for jjdb210 to be happy.

Version 2.0

Version 2 was a fix for the "master" wand... primarly to make it so we could make use of SPI. Bugs from Version 1.0 were fixed. Found on Oshpark

Bluetooth Broadcast Codes

The system uses it's own variation of bluetooth broadcast codes to achieve it's results.

  • Manufacturer Data is set to 4201 (instead of 8301 which Disney uses)
  • Next Byte is a function code
  • 01 - Change Mode
    • 00 - Kid Mode (Normal Wands Work)
    • 01 - Dad Mode (Only Dad's Wand Works)
    • 02 - Park Mode (Tries to do the park thing)
    • 03 - 5 Dress Mode (Show Mode)
  • 02 - Change Option
    • 01 -
