The Hat Sign (Sign210)

Revision as of 20:50, 6 May 2023 by Jjdb210 (talk | contribs)
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Created by klforthwind, cheppy44, dizmond, and others for jjdb210 Christmas of 2020. The hat is interactive with twitch. Channel point rewards can control it.

Always Available Commands

  • !bits
  • !bluesus
  • !c
  • !celeste
  • !craftyjj
  • !emcot
  • !f
  • !follow
  • !frog
  • !gartic
  • !ghost
  • !golfball210
  • !greatball
  • !hearthstone
  • !jj
  • !justinirl
  • !kaeris
  • !l
  • !legobrick
  • !lr
  • !m
  • !masterball
  • !mariograss
  • !mcpick
  • !mage
  • !panda
  • !pepsi
  • !pokeball
  • !prime
  • !raid
  • !redbluedot
  • !redcouch
  • !redsus
  • !rupee
  • !satisfactory
  • !star
  • !subnautica
  • !susmania
  • !terminal
  • !tetris
  • !triforce
  • !ultraball
  • !uhc
  • !valheim
  • !w
  • !wipeout
  • !ep
  • !temps
  • !hats
  • !happybirthday

Mod Only Commands

  • !mod follow
  • !mod raid
  • !mod sub
  • !mod cheer
  • !mod mysterysub
  • !mod giftsub
  • !mod continuesub
  • !mariohat
  • !luigihat
  • !wariohat
  • !waluigihat
  • !jjhat
  • !cheppyhat
  • !forthhat
  • !setdefstrip X,Y,Z
  • !setdefmatrix image command
  • !showall
  • !allclear
  • !clear
  • !shutdown
  • !reboot
