Season 1 Bedrock World

Revision as of 18:57, 25 March 2024 by Jjdb210 (talk | contribs)
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The first bedrock world created for stream on a realm. It was online for the summer of 2018, aka during Season 1 of jjdb210's twitch stream.


  • jjdb210's A half competed castle with a small town inside it.
  • Link's Home - where everyone is welcome.
  • A hidden home in a mountain
  • Target
  • A recreation of an end city in the overworld.
  • A giant snow globe in the sky.


  • jjdb210
  • link
  • Cheppy
  • Forthwind
  • Penguian
  • Soccerdude
  • Peirvine
  • RichAndCheesy
  • ...


Bonus World

There was an Anarchy Season 1 as well. Completely trashed map. That's available here: