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Justin Justin Bad Dude is jjdb210's alter-ego (like that of Bandrew from Cheese Nips Rescue) from Universe 18. He has two children Link and Eloise to which he sends captain's logs while he's away on missions. Early into his career at the EMCOT Space Administration he became captain of one of the most advanced spacecrafts the agency has to offer simply named The Ship. Many years later, Justin would embark upon The Final Mission and end up creating both the "Heavy Actuated Terraformer" and the "Helpful Algorithm of Tomorrow" which both share the acronym "H.A.T.". Unfortunately the AI does not quite understand its purpose fully and it and Justin merge into one being known as either "Justin Justin Bad Dude" or "The Captain". Due to the merge The Captain's only goal is to fulfill its purpose of getting resources which leads it out of Universe 18 and into a reality unknown.